#1 platform for online Coaches, Course creators and entrepreneurs

Who want to automate EVERYTHING

  • Softio helps you set up your own marketing and save thousands of euros.

  • Proven templates that have generated more than hundreds of leads.

  • Specially designed by an Online Marketing specialist/coach

All problems are solved with one platform!

Softio makes sure you have all your tools in one place. This makes your coaching business clear and you don't have to constantly switch from app to app.

Full course platform

Build unlimited online courses with all the automation that goes with it!

TEMPORARY: Free 1-on-1 coaching to set everything up

Ook deze hoef je alleen maar aan te passen. Voeg je eigen brand naam en foto toe en je bent ready to go!

Complete LEAD CRM system

So you no longer need to keep track of your leads in Excel. Every sign-up is automatically placed in your pipeline.

E-mail marketing

  • Send up to 300 emails a day for FREE

  • Build your own email list and automate everything

  • Sends you a notification of every scheduled appointment and puts it in your Google Calendar.

Complete booking system

Make sure customers can book appointments with you all linked to your own calendar!

They get appointment reminders of this and you get notification.

Free course that teaches you how to set everything up.

Of course, most of it is already done for you, but of course you need to personalise it a bit.

Fortunately, we can do this in a few simple steps. You get access to a clear and quick video series that gives you all the information you need to set up your automated business.

A fully automated business like [Your niche]!

How can you really start focusing on what you are good at? By fully automating your marketing. Fortunately, we have thought of that. Fully automated templates from A to Z that you only need to customise to your taste.

TOTAL: €273,50/ month

All-in-one software to manage and automate [your niche]

[Your software]: from €99/month

Instead of 10+ different expensive software programmes to manage/automate your coaching business and your clients, we have it all in one, so you can focus on what you do best. Coaching!

Hi, ik ben [Jouw naam!]

Created by an Online Marketer for you!

After helping hundreds of coaches with their online marketing, I built an online framework that teaches you from A to Z how to do it yourself. No more dealing with expensive marketing agencies that easily charge €700+ per month. After coaching dozens of coaches, there was 1 thing missing. A system I could give to my clients so they could do their own marketing as well as if a marketing agency would do it for them!

For that reason, [Your Business] was developed. To make your marketing as a coach as simple as possible.

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